
In this issue

Issue 36 | October 2018

A new study has revealed that airports with exceptional child-friendly services stand to gain commercially. As the pressure builds up for airports to cater for a younger demographic, we find out how some of them are implementing this strategy and what the benefits are.

On the brink of the cold season, we also review JFK’s new storm plan, released after the airport’s failure to content with storm Grayson, which wreaked havoc across its terminals at the start of this year.

In the UK, the decision to approve Heathrow Airport’s third runway expansion has created more questions than it answered. Here, we try to tackle the biggest of them all: what’s next for this controversial project?

We also talk to Air BP about its new airfield automation technology and find out whether airports could soon start setting up their own microgrids as a way to avoid disaster.

Eva Grey, editor